Friday, September 21, 2012

Circus Train

Several months ago my family watched a DVD about trains.  One episode was about a Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey circus train.  Just last week, a circus train went through our town.  On Dad's way to work each day, he drives under a train bridge.  On this particular day--there it sat overhead.  A Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey circus train--one of only two in the world.  Dad called to tell us and we jumped into the van to go see it.  First we looked at the front.

These are the locomotives that are pulling the train.

 These cars are the stock cars.

Then we looked at the middle. 

This is one of the coaches.

 I think this is the car with two generators inside it.
The generators provide power.

I think this is the pie car--that is the restaurant car.

This is another coach.  The light is over the doorway.

Another coach.

This is where the cars hook together.

And these are the wheels.

 Finally, we looked at the end. 
This car is for storing stuff.

 The red cart has some kind of metal things in it.

And all the white carts are for all the equipment and costumes.

Then, after about 30 minutes, the train started to move!  McCance took pictures as fast as he could.

These are a few of the cars and trucks on the train.

This is a Ford truck
and a Ford van on the train.

 This little towing tractor helps pull the carts.

 This Bobcat pushes the carts.

The red cart in the picture has stuff in it.

Another Ford truck.

A Subaru wagon.

A Ford explorer.

And another Ford truck.

A new Ford explorer.

Another red cart.

 Another towing tractor.

And a Dodge Ram.

 Some white carts.

A New Nissan van.

 A Water truck, towing tractor, and Bobcat.

Yet another Ford truck and Bobcat.

And finally a bus on end of the train.

Soon after it was gone, we went home.
 Last Friday we checked out the train DVD again.
After we watched the episode about the circus train again, it seemed a lot more real to us.
This time we could say, " I've seen that! "

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Lego Train

A few weeks ago I built a train that I copied from a magazine.

This is the train in the magazine.

 And this is the front of the train I built.

 This is the side of it.

 This is the back.

And this is the top.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Lego Revolutionary War

We have been watching America:  The Story of Us.  We are ready to watch the battle in Yorktown.  McCance and I thought it was pretty cool so we built a Lego Patriot camps and added some Redcoats.

 These are some of the Redcoats.  


These are some of the Patriots.

 These are the Patriot tents.  The one on the left belongs to George Washington.

 This is the surgeon's tent.  
He even has a saw for amputating legs because the soldiers sometimes got infections called gangrene.

These are some of the Patriots hiding for a surprise attack. 

This is a lady hiding with two horses.  The horses are eating hay.

This is where they cook food.

This is George Washington.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Lego Crane

Today, I built a Lego crane.  It has a cab at each end, 24 wheels ( I took off two. ), and a very long boom.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

LEGO Wind Turbine

We read Energy Island. It is a book about a island of Denmark in the middle of the sea. At first it was very ordinary, but then it became energy independent. Sometimes they give electricity to the main part of Denmark.      Later I decided to build a Lego wind turbine. I took some pictures of it and here they are.
me with my wind turbine

the very top
looking down into it
same as above