Wednesday, May 4, 2011


 When I do school work, I usually sit at the kitchen table to do my Bible Study, my writing, my phonics and my spelling.  I often read and do math on the couch.  Mommy, M, and I do science outside and we do verbal math on our walk.  My favorite subject is math because I like adding different numbers.  I like homeschool because I think it is more fun than school at a school from what my Daddy says.


  1. Bradford, I'm not surprised that your favorite subject is math. Your great-grandpa and namesake, Grandpa Elmer (Louis), was very skilled at math. It probably was his favorite subject too! He would be very proud of what a sweet, creative, and bright boy you are.
    Love, cousin Kathy

  2. If you like to add numbers, I think you would enjoy a game called Blisters. The only pieces are 6 dice, so it is easy to carry with you most anywhere. Perhaps your mom would help you look it up on the internet.
